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 Friday, March 14 2025  
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(Rhyl, N.Wales, UK)
Wind Speed:  2.8 mph
Wind Direction:  172 °
Air Temp.:  1.9 °C
Rel. Humidity:  93.7 %
Rain (last Hr):  0.0 mm
(updated at: 06:38 UTC)

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Celebrating more than 50 years manufacturing & servicing High Quality Vector Instruments Anemometers and Windvanes at Windspeed Ltd
Useful Links and Documents    
DISCLAIMER: Below are links to several documents which may be of interest, and which we may refer to elsewhere on our website. These documents have been previously made publicly available via other websites and are the copyright of the owners of those websites or the document authors as appropriate. Some of these documents are now being made available directly from this website for your convienience because some of the original websites/links/sources appear to be offline, and we believe that their copyright permits this redistribution. As these materials/documents are originated from websites/authors outside the control of Vector Instruments (Windspeed Limited), we cannot be held liable for their contents nor your use of those materials/documents - accessing them is at your own risk. You should consult the copyright/use/distribution policy of the document in question before using, copying, referencing or linking-to the materials/documents (updated Feb 2016).

Please contact our sales office for a copy of the independent classification test report on our A100 Series Anemometer performance.

Other reports/documents (available for download) which may be of interest are listed below:

PDFicon" ACCUWIND Report (RIS-R-1556) (1.3Mb)
Classification of Five Cup Anemometers According to IEC61400-12-1
Troels Friis Pedersen, Jan-?ke Dahlberg, Peter Busche Ris? National Laboratory, May 2006, ISBN 87-550-3516-7, 71 p.

PDFicon" ACCUWIND Summary Report (RIS-R-1563) (740Kb)
Accurate Wind Speed Measurements in Wind Energy ? Summary Report
Troels Friis Pedersen, Jan-?ke Dahlberg, Alvaro Cuerva, Fragiskos Mouzakis, Peter Busche, Peter Eecen, Angel Sanz-Andres, S Franchini, S?ren Markkilde Petersen
Ris? National Laboratory, July 2006, ISBN 87-550-3526-4, 24 p.

PDFicon" ACCUWIND - Methods for Classification of Cup Anemometers (RIS-R-1555) (1.3 Mb)
Troels Friis Pedersen, Jan-?ke Dahlberg, Peter Busche
Ris? National Laboratory, May 2006, ISBN 87-550-3514-0, 69 p.

PDFicon" CLASSCUP Report (RIS-R-1348) (455Kb)
Development of a Classification System for Cup Anemometers
Troels Friis Pedersen
Ris? National Laboratory, April 2003, 45 p., ISBN 87-550-3075-0

PDFicon" Effects Of Long Term Operation On The Performance Characteristics Of Cup Anemometers (A100K) (242Kb)
(paper presented at EWEC2007 conference)
Nikolaos Stefanatos
Center for Renewable Energy Sources (CRES), Greece , May 2007, 6p.

PDFicon" Determination of a Consensus Calibration Transfer Function and Associated Uncertainty for the Vector Anemometer Types A100R and A100L2. (60.2Kb)
(paper presented at EWEC2008 conference)
M H Pearson, A U Liuzy, R D Hodgetts,
Garrad Hassan & Partners Ltd., March 2008, 6p.

PDFicon" MEASNET Cup Anemometer Calibration Procedure - Version2, October 2009 (98Kb)
Measuring Network of Wind Energy Institutes [MEASNET] (Version 2: October 2009), 9p.

PDFicon" IEA 11 Report (IEA-11) (569Kb)
B Maribo Pedersen, Troels Friis Pedersen, Helmut Klug, Nico van der Borg, Neil Kelley, Jan ?ke Dahlberg, Raymond S Hunter,
IEAWIND (second print: 2003), 60 p., (Note: This document preceeds IEC61400-12-1, but explains the basic principles/requirements for high-quality wind measurements, i.e. anemometer performance requirements, mounting, and mast/boom design)

IEC 61400-12-1 (2017)
Annex F: Cup Anemometer Calibration Procedure
Annex G: Mounting of instruments on the meteorological mast
Annex I: Classification of anemometry
Annex J (informative) Assessment of cup anemometry
Note: The IEC 61400-12-1 standard has been revised (2022) and the content of Annexes F, G, I, J mentioned above have now been moved to a separate standard IEC 61400-50-1, however the content moved to the new IEC 61400-50-1 standard is essentially the same as the original IEC61400-12-1 standard annexes.
These IEC documents are international standards and copies must be purchased/licensed from a standards outlet such as the IEC Webstore. General information on contents of these standards may be found by searching the internet.

Windspeed Limited (trading as Vector Instruments),
113 Marsh Road, RHYL, North Wales, LL18 2AB, United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0) 1745 350700
Website design and content is copyright (c) 2003-2025 Windspeed Limited (unless otherise stated). All trademarks are acknowledged.