Anemometers and Windvanes in action!
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Windspeed Ltd (Vector Instruments), 113 Marsh Road, RHYL, N. Wales, LL18 2AB, United Kingdom.
Windspeed Limited
Click for info on: Wind Speed sensors Click for info on: Wind Direction Sensors Click for info on: Masts + Mountings Click for info on: Air Temperature sensors Click for info on: Masts + Mountings Anemometer, Windvane and Air Temperature sensors
 Friday, March 14 2025  
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Latest Weather...
(Rhyl, N.Wales, UK)
Wind Speed:  5.0 mph
Wind Direction:  178 °
Air Temp.:  1.4 °C
Rel. Humidity:  95.9 %
Rain (last Hr):  0.0 mm
(updated at: 04:58 UTC)

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Celebrating more than 50 years manufacturing & servicing High Quality Vector Instruments Anemometers and Windvanes at Windspeed Ltd

Information on our anemometers, windvanes and other products is available by clicking the links on the left.

For answers to common questions regarding things like instrument connections, wiring, cable-colours, calibration and installation click HERE.
TECHNICAL SUPPORT: If you have a technical enquiry, and cannot find the information/answers you need on this website, then technical support is available via email at - we generally cannot answer technical questions over the telephone. If you telephone with a technical query, you will need to leave an email address where we can contact you with an answer.

Copies of Manuals (Operating Instructions) and calibration data for specific instruments are normally available on request by contacting Technical Support via our email address.

If you are interested in further information on any of our products, or are seeking prices and/or wish to purchase any of our products, or wish to meet with our representatives at an exhibition, please contact us by phone, fax or email using the details below:
You can contact us at:

   Windspeed Limited (Vector Instruments)
   113 Marsh Road
   RHYL Denbighshire LL18 2AB
   United Kingdom
Phone:     +44 (0)1745 350700  

  For the quickest response:

  •   For general enquiries, and questions about product price/lead-times:
              please email

  •   For technical enquiries/questions about our products:
              please email

  • Please note: Our sales office is based in the UK and phone calls can only be answered 8am-1pm UK time, Monday-Thursday..

    At other times, please leave a voicemail message, or send your enquiry by email (or using the form below).

    As a rough guide to the best time to try and call us on the phone: (note: varies a little due to different "daylight savings times" in different regions)
    • If you are in the Eastern/Central USA/Canada or Brazil, then please try calling before 1pm local time,
    • If in the Western USA/Canada/Alaska, Central-America, Chile or the Eastern Pacific, then please try calling before 10am local time,
    • If in the Western Pacific or Eastern Asia or Australasia, then please try calling in the evening local time,
    • If in the Middle-East or India/Central Asia, then please try calling late afternoon or early-evening local time,
    • If in Eastern Europe, try calling in the late-morning or during the afternoon local time,
    • If in Central Europe, try calling during your usual office hours.

    • If you are having trouble contacting us by phone or email, please let us know using the form below so we can investigate any possible problems.

    Alternatively, you can send us a message by completing the form below:
    (click the [Send] button at the bottom of the page to send your message)

    Note: We ask that you enter a valid email address so that we can send you an answer to your enquiry. Unfortunately, our website is sometimes unable to send email to the email address entered due to technical problems (or your ISP or email server rejects emails sent from our website for some reason). If this is the case, we will be unable to accept your enquiry via this form/webpage.
    If this happens, please accept our apologies and contact us directly by sending an email to us using your normal email program specifying the information you require (or phone/fax our sales office if you prefer). Our email address, phone/fax numbers and address are shown at the bottom of this page.

    Your Name:
    Your E-mail Address:
    (we need this to reply to your message)
    Your Message:
    (Please ensure that you specify your NAME, COMPANY and COUNTRY.
    Also include your phone/fax numbers and/or postal address if necessary,
    and specify any relevant type/serial/order/job numbers and dates if your
    message concerns any of our instruments/equipment you may have)
    Do NOT send confidential information such as Credit Card details
    via this form (nor via ordinary email) as it is not secure.
    Please use the phone or fax (see numbers above) to convey any such information.

    Company Registration Information (image)
    Note: August2023: Windspeed Ltd was located at 113 Marsh Road, Rhyl for many years before moving next-door to 115 Marsh Road. After building a new factory and offices on the original 113 site, we are now located at 113 Marsh Road, Rhyl once again.
    Windspeed Limited (trading as Vector Instruments),
    113 Marsh Road, RHYL, North Wales, LL18 2AB, United Kingdom
    Tel: +44 (0) 1745 350700
    Website design and content is copyright (c) 2003-2025 Windspeed Limited (unless otherise stated). All trademarks are acknowledged.