Anemometers and Windvanes in action!
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Windspeed Ltd (Vector Instruments), 113 Marsh Road, RHYL, N. Wales, LL18 2AB, United Kingdom.
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 Friday, March 14 2025  Home [arrow]  Products [arrow]  Rain/Other
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Latest Weather...
(Rhyl, N.Wales, UK)
Wind Speed:  3.7 mph
Wind Direction:  181 °
Air Temp.:  1.1 °C
Rel. Humidity:  96.8 %
Rain (last Hr):  0.0 mm
(updated at: 04:08 UTC)

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Celebrating more than 50 years manufacturing & servicing High Quality Vector Instruments Anemometers and Windvanes at Windspeed Ltd
Barometers, Rainfall, Wetness and Other Weather Sensors
  PTB110 barometer Rain Gauges

We are able to supply a number of other weather related sensors such as those listed below. Please contact us for more information on these products.

  • Barometers (PTB110)
  • Rainfall/Raingauge (see RG100 and RG101 below)
  • Surface Wetness
  • Frost Detection

NEW: RG100 and RG101 Raingauges
Two "Tipping Bucket" type rainguages are now available, the compact/low-cost RG101 and the larger WMO8 compliant RG100 model with a large "splash-height"(see photos above) - both have a 200mm2 capture orifice, and are available with 0.2mm/tip or 0.1mm/tip calibrations and a range of accessories. Both models include reed-switches that are pulsed when the patented single-bucket/spoon tips. Please contact us for more information.

Wind Displays/Alarms and 4-20mA systems...

Our anemometers and windvanes can often be connected directly to a PLC, SCADA system or industrial panel meter to provide alarm, control and indication functions through that equipment. In some cases, "off-the-shelf" (standard) signal conditioning modules may be required.

For those customers requiring a display, alarms or 4-20mA signal for wind speed, it is often possible to use the output signal from our A100LK Anemometer or A100L2 Anemometer to feed a standard Industrial Panel/Process Meter which can be scaled to display the windspeed.

Some of the more advanced Panel/Process Meters can also power the anemometer and be configured to average the wind speed signal and/or operate alarm relays. Some Panel/Process Meters can also produce a 4-20mA current loop signal equivalent to the wind speed (e.g. for connection to a PLC/SCADA system or to another Panel/Process Meter as an "extension display").


Please contact our Sales Office for more information or a copy of our Application Note on this subject, or for details of suitable standard Industrial Panel/Process Meters which we have available.

Please note: while many of our older indicator, recorder and signal conditioning systems (such as CHM, AD20P, OMC138, D623, D600, D603, D642, R500, R800, SCU and HE-systems) are no longer offered for sale, we are still able to overhaul/service them and provide spare parts/instruments and consumables in most cases - please contact us if you have one of these systems.

Important: Wind Alarms - Note/Disclaimer relating to their use.

Windspeed Limited (trading as Vector Instruments),
113 Marsh Road, RHYL, North Wales, LL18 2AB, United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0) 1745 350700
Website design and content is copyright (c) 2003-2025 Windspeed Limited (unless otherise stated). All trademarks are acknowledged.