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 Friday, March 14 2025  Home [arrow]  Products [arrow]  Windvanes [arrow]  SRW1G
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Wind Speed:  4.3 mph
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Celebrating more than 50 years manufacturing & servicing High Quality Vector Instruments Anemometers and Windvanes at Windspeed Ltd
SRW1G Self-Referencing Encoder Windvane
Datasheet: login to download

The SRW1G is a Windvane which uses a reed-switch/diode encoder together with a built-in mechanical compass system to convert the wind direction (relative to magnetic north) as sensed by the position of the F10 Series Fin into a Gray-coded parallel digital output suitable for loggers/PLCs.

The reed-switch encoder offers the advantage of virtually zero power consumption together with good sensitivity at low wind speeds.

While the relatively coarse resolution of the encoder (16 sectors) precludes accurate instantaneous measurements, the random nature of wind fluctuations together with the oscilliatory response of the vane allows accurate determination of the average wind direction from multiple samples.

Construction is from anodised aluminium alloys and stainless steels for exposed parts. Combined with precision bearings, the result is an instrument suitable for continuous exposure to the weather, with a long service interval.

A marine version (/WR) is available with enhanced sealing and a "skirt" for extra protection against the elements.

This windvane is Self Referencing, that is to say that the built-in mechanical compass system compensates for the variable position/orientation of mobile platforms (or platforms with unknown orientation), for example buoys at sea, and the wind direction is always measured relative to magnetic north. The logging/measuring equipment must, however, compensate for the local difference between magnetic and true north where appropriate.

The output of this instrument is Gray-code which means that each sector generates a code (bit-pattern) where only one bit changes relative to the adjacent sectors (unlike binary where multiple bits could change). The purpose of this is to assist the measuring equipment in detecting noise, interference and errors.

The recommended mounting adaptors for use with this instrument are our type 405 and 405-1L series.

Windspeed Limited (trading as Vector Instruments),
113 Marsh Road, RHYL, North Wales, LL18 2AB, United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0) 1745 350700
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